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Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Biometrics appear to Law Enforcement - Colorado cops ID / clue suspects with Iris Scan!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Biometric Gun Vaults
Nowadays you have biometric gun safes that can be activated by fingerprint. It sounds very futuristic but this high tech tool has evolved since biometric technology is used for gun vaults. Biometric technology is everything from retinal scans, face recognition, DNA and fingerprint patterns.
This technology have made the gun safes from being massive vaults to light weight vault that can be accessed easily yet only by the persons you want to access. Fumbling with keys is something that belongs to the past just as knowing a certain combination lock to open it. This means today's gun safe can not be opened by someone who do not have the fingertip programmed in the vault. This makes the safe a lot safer, because everyone has a unique fingertip. You never have to worry that one of your children can get your firearm to play with.
Another great option of nowadays gun vaults is that they can contain next to your gun some valuables or important documents. A lot of biometric gun safes can contain two guns and have room for valuables.
The prices for a biometric gun safe vary from 0-0 and have different shapes and sizes. The top four brands are GunVault, Barska, Locksaf and Biometrx. You can shop for them at specialty stores in your neighborhood but also from the comfort of your own home. does have great deals and is a known retailer for some of the mentioned brands above.
So if you are looking for a safe haven for your firearm a biometric gun safe is the best option. Even if you do not have a firearm you can use it as safe for your valuables. The most biometric gun vaults are compact and will fit on your nightstand. Also for most biometric gun vaults you can program multiple fingerprints so you can give access to somebody else, for instance your wife/husband.
If you own a gun and have children this is the safe way to go.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Out of Memory at Line 11 Error Fix
Out of Memory at Line 11 error may occur while surfing the internet. It may occur due to various reasons like a recently installed update/ patch, corrupted internet history and cache and corrupted registry.
Let us go through the steps to resolve this problem:
1. Restore the Computer before an Update is Installed
2. Fix the Problems found in your Registry
3. Increase the Size of Desktop Heap
4. Delete Internet History and Clear Browser Cache
5. Increase Virtual Memory
Restore the Computer before an Update is Installed
Out of Memory at Line 11 error may occur due to a recently installed Windows Update. An incomplete installation of the update may cause this error.
You have to restore your system to an earlier state before an update was installed. Do the below steps for doing so:
1. Click Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | System Restore.
2. Click Next button.
3. Select a system restore point before an update was installed.
4. Click Next and follow the wizard your own.
Fix the Problems found in your Registry
Obsolete and outdated registry entries often result in Out of Memory at Line 11 error. You have to fix your registry first for solving this problem. Download a Registry Cleaner software and click Start Scan, and then Fix Now button.
Increase the Size of Desktop Heap
Heap is a data structure consisting of trees in which each node is greater than all its children. For fixing Out of Memory at Line 11, you have to increase the size of your Desktop Heap. Follow these instructions:
1. Click Start | Run.
2. Type RegEdit and press ENTER.
3. Navigate the below registry hive:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems
4. Double click the string called Windows.
5. You may see its value something like the following:
%SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows SharedSection=1024,12288,512 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,1 ServerDll=winsrv:UserServerDllInitialization,3 ServerDll=winsrv:ConServerDllInitialization,2 ServerDll=sxssrv,4 ProfileControl=Off MaxRequestThreads=16
6. Increase the SharedSection parameter.
7. Close Registry Editor.
Note: To increase the SharedSection parameter, divide it into three parts, viz. X, Y and Z (In my case- 1024, 12288 and 512). Increase the value of the third-part (i.e. Z) to 256 or 512, if it is already less.
Delete Internet History and Clear Browser Cache
Corrupted Web history and corrupted browser cache may cause Out of Memory at Line 11 error. You have to delete the internet history and all the files in the web browser(s) you are using.
1. Download a PC Optimizer software that includes System Cleaner function.
2. Click Clean button to start deleting the checked items.
Otherwise use Internet Explorer as follows:
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Click Tools | Delete Browsing History.
Increase Virtual Memory
For fixing Out of Memory at Line 11 error, increase the size of virtual memory.
1. Right click My Computer.
2. Select Properties.
3. Click Advanced System Settings link.
4. Click Advanced tab.
5. Click Settings button under Performance frame.
6. Click Advanced tab.
7. Click Change button under Virtual Memory frame.
8. Increase the virtual memory.
9. Click OK | OK | OK.
10. Restart the computer if prompted.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Pyramid Time Trax Elite Bio (TTELITEEK)
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Post Date : Nov 21, 2011 07:02:14 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

- Biometric finger scan technologies
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Saturday, November 12, 2011
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Monday, November 7, 2011
Biometric Security Systems and Their Applications
Today, security is becoming increasingly important, especially in an age where crimes such as identity theft can occur without the victims' knowledge and may not be discovered until damage is extensive and difficult if not impossible to correct. Biometric security systems provide a layer of protection that makes "non-direct" victim crimes more difficult to perpetrate.
Access control
Biometric security systems and biometric access control identify users through behavioral or physical characteristics that are completely individual. These are difficult if not impossible to borrow, steal, or forge. Biometrics has been used to solve crimes for generations; fingerprints, for example, are one example of biometrics that has been used to solve crimes once they have occurred.
Crime prevention
Today, biometrics can also be used to help prevent crimes before they occur, and can also provide general security of a much more effective nature than previous systems could provide. Biometrics can include identification of a physical nature, such as the aforementioned fingerprints, palm or hand geometry, iris or retina configuration, and facial characteristics. It can also encompass "measurement" of behavioral characteristics, such as a particular customer's pattern of credit card use, to help prevent theft and other crimes.
In regard to e-commerce applications and other situations whereby physical contact and therefore physical biometric access control characteristics cannot be used, behavioral security systems using biometrics come into play. With behavioral biometric access control, characteristics such as voice patterns, keystroke patterns, signature, and "typical" credit card usage patterns for a particular person are used to determine that someone posing as a given individual is, indeed, that individual. This helps thwart crimes like identity theft because they help merchants and other businesses determine that, for example, an individual making a purchase on a particular website is legitimate and not someone who's stolen a credit card number to make an illegal purchase.
Examples of biometrics used for biometric security systems
· Fingerprints
Fingerprints are among the oldest biometrics technologies used to solve crimes; for more than a century, police have used fingerprints as a means to identify criminal participation at a crime scene. Today, they can also be used for biometric access control; although this has not traditionally been the case, technology has improved so that now, they are increasingly being used for biometric security systems. This particular application is most effective for in-house systems.
· Hand geometry
Hand geometry is a relatively new arrival for biometric security systems, and uses the shape of the hand to identify a particular individual. This type of biometric access control is often used in organizations where an individual must record his or her attendance at an event; because the shape of one's hand can't be forged as a signature can, the physical presence of the individual at the event is guaranteed because the shape of his or her hand has been recorded on-site.
· Iris analysis
The iris is as individual as the fingerprint, and its benefit is that iris identification can be done quickly and with no direct contact between the analyzer and the individual being identified. It's also quick to perform, making useful for high-volume operations where a lot of individuals needing access have to be processed quickly through one point of entry.
It is easy to see the advantages of such systems, and how they can help prevent such crimes as identity theft.